Workshops in ceramic sculpture, ceramic aesthetics and history, wood-fired adobe kiln building and firing. Instructor and organizer of Art Travel Excursions.
2008-2019 Morocco, Ceramic Excursions.
2018 Andalucia, Spain, Ceramics Excursion.
2010-2015 Ceramics Excursions in Myanmar(Burma), Sicily, and Crete.
2009 Workshop Instructor, West Coast Clay Sculptors, Vancouver.
2005, 2007 Workshop instructor, Ban Chan, Laos.
2006 West Coast Clay Sculptors, Vancouver.
2005 California Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Art, Davis, California, presenter.
2004 La Meridiana Ceramics Workshop Centre, Tuscany, Italy
2003 Thailand, tour of Traditional Thai Potteries.
2002 Invited participant, International Ceramics Symposium, Avanos, Turkey
2001-2007 Ceramics Excursions. Avanos, Turkey
1999-2003 Oaxaca, Mexico
1998 Victoria Art Gallery, Victoria, B.C.
1996-2002 Instituto Allende, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
1996 Parsons School of Art and Design, New York, New York
1996 State University of New York, Fredonia, New York
1995 Ceramics Symposium, Burnaby Art Centre, Burnaby, British Columbia
1980-1994 15 “Outreach” workshops, Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design, Vancouver.
1993 Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
Webber State University, Ogden, Utah
1992 Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska
Metchosin Summer School of the Arts, Victoria, British Columbia
1989, 2002 Red Deer College, Series ‘89,2002,Red Deer, Alberta
1985 University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
Alberta College of Art, Calgary, Alberta
1983 Ceramics Symposium, The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta
1981 The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta
1980 Langara College, British Columbia
1979 Oregon School of Arts & Crafts, Portland, Oregon |